About Kirk

Locally grown & sourced from the Tampa Bay area with a lifetime of chewing bubble gum, kicking ass, and photography.

Nijael Golden Hour


Queen Nijael at Ft. Desoto during golden hour.

Nijael Golden Hour2022-05-11T02:58:11-05:00

Nijael Sunset Strobing


Beautiful Nijael throwing queen like looks, on top of 1904 artillery battery during sunset.

Nijael Sunset Strobing2022-05-24T15:00:28-05:00

Rachel Sunset Strobing


An absolute pleasure to shoot Rachel on a near perfect 68 degree day at Ft, Desoto State Park.

Rachel Sunset Strobing2022-05-11T02:56:16-05:00

Mobley Bay Blues


“If I don't have red, I use blue.” ― Pablo Picasso

Mobley Bay Blues2022-03-28T11:45:52-05:00